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Market Downturn? The People Using Crypto Show Why The Market Is Not Dead

Updated Feb 25, 2019, 06:10am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

A look back into the history of bitcoin shows that it has 'died' 345 times since its existence.

These so-called bitcoin obituaries have been collected by 99Bitcoins, a bitcoin information site. The oldest dates back to a 2010 blog when bitcoin was trading around $0.23, while the most recent is from an article published by Wired earlier this month.

Yet, despite the continued demise of bitcoin - and the crypto market as a whole - plenty of people still believe in it and what it stands for.

A few of these people include artist Nanu Berks, Diego Zaldivar, CEO of RSK, an open-source smart contract platform, and Ian Freeman, minister of the Shire Free Church, host of radio show Free Talk Live, co-founder of the Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire, located in the city of Keene, and program director of LRN.FM, the Liberty Radio Network.

Keene, which is seen as the world's Crypto Mecca city, has seen a rapid rise in crypto use, which Freeman puts down to an "intentional migration of libertarian crypto activists."

Long before Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin there was a movement of libertarians to New Hampshire called the Free State Project, he added.

When bitcoin was eventually born, Freeman said, libertarian activists in New Hampshire and Keene gravitated towards it, evangelizing crypto.

Speaking to them, I found out what it was that got them into the crypto market, where they think it's heading and how, despite claims that the crypto market is dead, they're still using it for day-to-day living.

Berks initially started creating artwork about the decentralization of power in 2002 and 2008 during the monetary crisis in her home country of Argentina.

"My family had all of our life-savings stolen from us by our banks and government and overnight ended up on the street with no jobs, no access to education, food or supplies," she said.

Frustrated about the system she spray painted the outside of banks and street walls with messages of freedom. It was in 2012 that Berks heard about bitcoin from other backpackers on a bus to Chichén Itzá, Mexico; however, it wasn't until 2016 that she received her first payment in crypto working as a "digital nomad" for a startup.

While my art has always been about consciousness expansion and upcoming systems of decentralization, I started tagging my art crypto art and blockchain or tech art about three years ago once I had a better understanding of the technology and realized its vocabulary already fit the intention of my work, Berks added.

Nanu Berks

Nanu Berks

Freeman, who writes a regular blog about what's happening in Keene at, said he became aware of crypto in 2011 when the discussion on Free Talk Live was about bitcoin. He mentioned that Roger Ver, an early investor in bitcoin-related startups and now a major supporter of bitcoin cash, was one of their advertisers and a regular listener.

"He heard us talking about bitcoin and he caught the vision for how it could help empower people and disempower the state, he said, stating that he now mainly uses dash as do most people in Keene. "That's when he bought a whole bunch. Eventually, he convinced us to accept it instead of dollars for his ad buys. He is still a sponsor to this day."

Zaldivar's first contact with bitcoin was back in 2011. However, it wasn't until 2012 that he became actively involved with the crypto market. Explaining the process, he said that a friend of his contacted him and sent him the bitcoin equivalent of the price of a small studio apartment. An hour later, he sent it back.

The bitcoin was transferred from Silicon Valley to Buenos Aires and the total transaction cost was 0.0005 BTC (half a cent USD back then), he added. This was particularly relevant because back then in Argentina we had capital controls and moving money in and out of the country was so difficult that using all sorts of hacks meant you could end up paying 10% of the transaction in fees while waiting several weeks.

Using and Accepting Crypto

For her commissioned art pieces Berks said she typically receives payment in bitcoin and ethereum. She also receives crypto for her street art wearables and encourages people to pay this way with added discounts. She uses her crypto to pay for items at food trucks to art online, plane tickets to clothing.

"I often tip my Lyft driver in crypto and help them download a wallet and always ask at restaurants and stores if they receive crypto," she added. "Even if this is just planting a seed for a future conversation or sparking their interest this is how all movements grow, person to person."

Compared to 10 years ago, it's now a lot easier to use crypto for daily purchases, which is no more evident than in Keene. Portsmouth, a city in New Hampshire, is also seeing steady growth.

Speaking about this, Freeman said that the first place to accept crypto was Corner News, a little convenience store with over a 100-year history in downtown Keene. That was back in 2013.

In Keene, I buy food multiple times a week, he added. We have a Curry Indian Restaurant, Thirsty Owl, Local Burger, Hot Hogs BBQ and Street and Savory. If I'm not going out on my own, I'm there with our local cryptocurrency meetup group that meets every six days and purposely goes to these crypto-accepting places so we can support them.

They also head outside Keene to regional crypto-accepting restaurants like Kirby Q's in Alstead and Taco Beyondo in Hillsborough. He services his car at Wilder Automotive, which started accepting crypto a few years ago and next month Freeman is leaving his dentist of 12 years to go to another one in Keene that accepts crypto.

Free Talk Live

For Zaldivar, his decision to live off of crypto was to store his wealth in bitcoin for purely ideological reasons, in addition to thinking it's the best self-sovereign storage of wealth.

"In countries like Argentina where we suffered capital controls, confiscation of funds, recurrent inflation, and sudden devaluation of our currency, bitcoin became the only instrument where you could protect long-term value," he added. "As a consequence of that, I ended up living off of bitcoin.

While most of his wealth remains in bitcoin, Zaldivar's learned to have a "cushion of stable assets" to manage his short-term needs and to avoid selling bitcoin during the market downturn.

Bumps Along the Way

It hasn't always been plain sailing though.

For Freeman, as one of the people who helped to get businesses accepting crypto, he was frustrated during the bull run of 2017 when bitcoin's transaction fees were steadily increasing as he knew local crypto users were less likely to use it.

Why would anyone want to buy a $6 burger and pay an extra $5 just for the 'privilege' of using BTC? he questioned. Even among the crypto-zealots we have here in Keene, no one could justify that.

That was when Anypay, a point-of-sale merchant provider, founded in Portsmouth by Freeman's former roommate Derrick Freeman and Steven Zeiler, entered the scene, with crypto alternative dash. Prior to Anypay, Bitpay was the only POS app and bitcoin was the only payment option.

Anypay launched its POS software in August 2017. Freeman initially thought businesses would reject the idea of accepting another crypto that they had never heard of.

"I was pleasantly surprised when 100% of them enthusiastically agreed to take dash," he added. "They understood BTC was having growing pains and were not at all deterred from being interested in its competitor."

Dash has since become crypto king in the city and Anypay now offers multiple cryptos for businesses to accept including bitcoin cash. One reason dash is a popular choice in Keene, Freeman notes, is down to dash-back, which encourages users to spend their holdings.

Created by Anypay and then funded by the dash treasury in 2018, anytime a person spends dash via Anypay, they receive 10% of the sale back in their wallet, including the business owner.

Nanu Berks

Where to Next? Is Crypto Really Dead?

According to Zaldivar, crypto will change society in two ways: it will transform and create a new financial system of the future and it will evolve our current social scalability mechanisms into trust minimized social contracts that can be directly subscribed to by the population and can be instantly opt-out of.

This will change current power dynamics profoundly because those not serving the interests of the represented will be easily devoid of power and replaced, he added.

Comparing it to the difficulty of a credit card salesperson pitching local businesses decades ago, Freeman said that they are already over the initial business adopters hump in Keene. Now, it's simply a case of continuing to expand on the number of companies that accept it as well as why the public should care.

"Amazon and Apple died and came back to live stronger than ever," concluded Berks. "That visionary thinking led to them collapsing early on based on popular disbelief and old paradigms adjusting to the new. Bitcoin might be misunderstood now, but it's simply going through the mass adoption phase like all cutting edge technology."