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Why Ethereum Could Sink To $100

Updated Sep 21, 2018, 08:22am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

Back in 2016, I moved into an Airbnb apartment near Apple’s Infinite Loop to do some business in Silicon Valley for a few weeks. This was a bit of a surprise for some squatters who for some nefarious reason or other had been given access to the house. They were friendly enough and were working on Ethereum derivative contracts for their pre-startup startup.

Hopefully they had a bucket of cheap coins when the boom came, but if they did they probably sold like any sensible person would when they had turned hundreds of dollars into thousands.

You have to be a bit madder than the average squatting Ethereum derivative contract startup member to hold onto your assets from $20 to $1,200.

Plenty of people have held from $1,200 to $200.

[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]

Crypto was last year’s bubble and now we are in the pit of that crash. Perhaps not the bottom of the pit but we are certainly getting there and for altcoins, getting there fast.

In my mind without doubt, just like the dotcom spawned a pile of listed companies with no business at all and huge valuations, the same is true in cryptocurrency and tokens. The market contains a huge amount of trash like the Nasdaq did in 1999 and like the trash loans wrapped up in the fancy investment bank derivatives of the credit crunch in 2008.

That is what drives a bubble, money chasing trash. Then the blowtorch of reality steps in and after the fire the real deals are left behind.

You can already see the obvious winning crowd in the charts of crypto. They are bitcoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash, litecoin, monero, dash and doge. Yes, these are all distributed blockchains without fallible groups of people to mess up, go to jail, run off with the money, go mad, drop dead etc. Private blockchains and tokens will have winners too, perhaps, but while their figureheads jabber away on Twitter I prefer to bet on the systems without humans that have no fear, have no remorse and can’t be stopped.

Whatever the outcome, one thing seems clear, the crash is not over yet. For most coins and tokens the trend is obvious and down.

Naysayers say that trend will extend to $0 but it won’t. Bitcoin has already based and no one should believe even if it took another leg down that bitcoin will vanish.

Here is the chart:

chart of bitcoin USD from October 2017 to the present

Credit: ADVFN

I still have hopes of getting some cheap BTC but it is clear the market currently thinks BTC is cheap enough. We will know in a few weeks. I’m gently acquiring bitcoin because it is demonstrating its dominance.

Meanwhile ethereum is another matter. Let me be clear, as someone blamed by the crypto press as a serious factor of bitcoin’s slump back down from $10,000, it is about time I crashed ethereum. I need to flex my pundit power.

So here is the chart and what could well transpire:

Credit: ADVFN

This destination is $100 a coin. By the way, I do own some ethereum.

The problem for ethereum is that a huge number of owners got ethereum by selling their pipe dreams in ICOs. Startups are generally pipe dreams and some payout hugely. ICOs as a replacement for venture capital is a massive innovation but it makes funding startups no less risky, fraught or flaky.

There is a huge group of outfits rich in ethereum, spending in fiat. That fiat must be covered in sales of ethereum. Their money flow has to be out of ethereum into fiat. Ethereum was the currency they got paid in and it is fading fast, no sensible startup would hold onto it, when they must pay bills in ‘real’ money. This is what is dragging heavily on ethereum. When it will stop is hard to know.

This flow can reverse and will when a next generation of ICOs come to market and people buy ethereum to buy tokens.

It doesn’t take a Nostradamus to see the ethereum trend. If it doesn’t base now, it is on its way to $100. That’s the way bubbles and crashes work. Here is a simplistic anatomy of a crash:

Credit: ADVFN

To trade a crash, you have to let the instrument base. Crashes that make a V-shaped bottom are extremely rare, the W-shaped bottom above is how crashes tend to pan out. You do not try to get the absolute bottom, you want to buy when the panic is over and the recriminations are underway. If you get out near the top and get in someway after the initial recovery you will do very well indeed.

This bottoming will occur when the money flow in or out of crypto is neutral. This equilibrium creates a base, the bottom of the market. Market bottoms do not reverse quickly; however fast it came down it recovers much less fast. Confidence takes time to repair. So you do not have to hurry to re-enter.

When in doubt, take a look at the dotcom crash and the 2007-2008 credit crunch crash. This is how crashes pan out.

It is not fate that $200 is not the bottom for ethereum, but as the above crash anatomy shows, if $200 was to be the bottom then a period of trading around this price is needed to establish a level of safety to return to the market.

That certainty is not in place.

When you look at companies that have gone on to do well after the dotcom crash, they were few and their low points were very low indeed.

In this crypto-winter, spring is still someway off. We need to be ready to buy the bottom and that bottom is going to be W-shaped.

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Disclosure: I own Bitcoin and Ethereum.


Clem Chambers is the CEO of private investors Web site and author of Be Rich, The Game in Wall Street and Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner’s Guide.