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Cardano Co-Founder Charles Hoskinson Confirmed Still Working With Ethereum Classic

2 mins
Updated by Valdrin Tahiri
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There have been rumors circulating that Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano (ADA) and co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), has ended his working relationship with Ethereum Classic (ETC). Yesterday, he confirmed on Twitter that he is still very much a part of Ethereum Classic’s development.
Cardano has had a working relationship with Ethereum Classic since its beginning. ADA’s founder, Charles Hoskinson, has been an outspoken critic of Ethereum changing its protocol following the DAO hack of 2016. Since then, he has supported Ethereum Classic to prove that “principles matter” and that ETC’s “original intents should be maintained.” Ethereum Classic supporters maintain that, regardless of how terrible the hack was, it is constitutionally wrong to revise the blockchain under any circumstances. At the core, the debate between Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) is an ideological difference over the idea of an unrevisable, immutable blockchain. Hoskinson has made it clear where he stands on this issue for years now, affirming that blockchain is law and those laws cannot be changed. Ethereum Classic

Rocky Relationship?

However, in the past year or so, Cardano and Hoskinson has been uncharacteristically quiet on Ethereum Classic. Some were even speculating whether or not the working relationship between the two was still real. His last public comment on Ethereum Classic was in July of 2018 when he affirmed that “most people respect Ethereum Classic at this point” and that its “overall mission was accomplished.” However, a lot has changed since then. Rumors were being passed around on Twitter and the crypto-sphere about Hoskinson possibly being booted from the ETC team. Has Hoskinson since changed his tune on ETC? As it turns out, not at all.

“I’m Still a Member of ETC.”

In a tweet from Hoskinson which was retweeted by the official Ethereum Classic handle, Hoskinson affirms that he is still an active member of ETC. It looks as though Hoskinson is not going to be changing his support anytime soon. It seems that any rumors about Hoskinson and Cardano breaking off from Ethereum Classic can now be laid to rest. [bctt tweet=”It seems that any rumors about Hoskinson and Cardano breaking off from Ethereum Classic can now be laid to rest.” username=”beincrypto”] What do you think is in store for ETC and ADA in the future? Will they form a more public partnership in 2019? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 
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Anton Lucian
Raised in the U.S, Lucian graduated with a BA in economic history. An accomplished freelance journalist, he specializes in writing about the cryptocurrency space and the digital '4th industrial revolution' we find ourselves in.