Let's get your business buzzing

Influencer marketing is the way to go to exponentiate your business’ growth. 

Influur is an all-in-one marketplace where your brand can access the right creators, work and pay them, in a secure, transparent way.

Chat with our specialists, no strings attached. They’ll personalize a plan just for you, based on your business goals and needs.

Get to know us

Find Influencers all over the world

The only influencer marketing platform that manages real-time pricing

Our creators can post their price packages, including different types of content bundles. This feature allows brands to save time in negotiation processes while providing the opportunity to compare prices. Something that the industry has been lacking since the beginning. 

Extremely easy to use, no matter where you are

With our mobile and web apps, you can hire an influencer and manage your whole campaign from anywhere with your phone or desktop. We know work nowadays is not static. This is why our services were created for the constantly moving marketer. 

Driven by technology, ran by constant human support

We have the best of both worlds. You can make data-based decisions and hire an influencer with the certainty of predictable results. However, our team is always striving to personalize the experience of running influencer marketing campaigns for you.
© Influur 2023

Start working with Influencers

Optimize pricing up to 50%
Make decisions backed with real data 
Have your campaigns managed from beginning to end

Three Reasons Why Brands Love Influur

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How it works

Talk to our experts about your needs

Have Your Campaign Posted For Creators To Apply  

Receive a list of the best candidates and their statistics

Have Your Campaign Run by Our Team

Receive A Report With Your Results

Why choose Influur?

Let’s talk about savings

This is how much can you save

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Influur is trusted by thousands of companies all over the world

Our team is ready to help you today!

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In Transactions


Brands Registered


Influencers Registered

“It is by far the best Marketing company where the right role is given to people with influence in social networks and their connection to the labor market. 4 brave women made this dream come true. Big company.”

“Influur has been very beneficial as a platform. It gives you an excellent opportunity to connect directly with quality influencers in different places to promote your brand. It has a very friendly interface at the same time excellent customer service.”

“The app has simply transformed the way our business does marketing. We are a true believers! It is a MUST TRY if you are a business owner and want to magnify your marketing efforts without breaking the bank”

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum payment?

Our team can manage your campaign with a minimum budget of $5,000. However, if your budget is lower, you can still use our app for free and post campaigns with a minimum budget of $150.

Can I see the influencer's metrics before paying?

Yes, you have full access to their follower count, engagement rate, and more.

How much time until we activate a campaign?

We can activate a campaign in as little as 48 hours depending on your needs. To get a specific timeline, you can talk to our specialists in the chat.

Do we get to approve content and influencers?

Of course. Our team will present a list of influencers and their statistics for you to choose from. Once hired, you will have two rounds of revisions to approve the content the influencers came up with.

Are you an influencer agency?

We are not an influencer agency. We are a tool marketers can use to optimize their influencer marketing campaigns. With Influur’s technology, brands can hire influencers and manage their campaigns all from one place.

What payment methods do you support?

Currently, you can make payments using credit cards or through wire transfers.

Are you a creator? Join Influur here instead

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