Freedom of the Press Foundation

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Sen. Durbin should advance the PRESS Act before time runs out

Floyd Abrams, Marion County Record, 121 others endorse federal shield bill

Reporting on the 2024 elections? We're here to help

Our Digital Security team is on hand to help you and your devices stay safe in the 2024 election year

Coalition demands authorities drop prosecution of Oregon journalist

Police need to stop arresting journalists covering protests. When they do, prosecutors need to drop the cases immediately

11 years after Snowden revelations, government still expanding surveillance

New ‘spy draft law’ and ongoing retaliation against those who expose government secrets show there’s a long way to go in combating overreach

Federal law must fix loophole allowing abusive lawsuits targeting speech

With no federal anti-SLAPP law, journalists and others remain vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits that chill First Amendment rights


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