Adapt your team to the new world of work

Check-ins keep your team connected, focused, and productive no matter where they’re working.

Free for 12 users No credit card required
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Check-ins fuel great teamwork

A powerful tool that reimagines status updates so your team is on track and in sync every day.
The Range feed
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List what you plan to do and a few things you’ve recently completed. Add whatever context you want.

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More in sync

Stop wasting time reporting status updates in video calls. Check-ins help you build a cadence of communication so everyone stays in sync with fewer meetings.

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More productive

Prioritize your work in just a few minutes. Range’s deep integrations make it easy to see all your work in one place, plan out your day, and share with your team.

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More connected

You can build your culture, even when working remote. Range includes over 300 carefully crafted team building questions to help your team feel like a team.

Start upgrading your teamwork today

Free for 12 users
No credit card required