
How Collagen Helps Reduce Loose Skin, Deep Wrinkles, And Dark Spots

The Secret To Youthful, Smooth Skin From Within

By Dr. Chad Walding, DPT, NativePath Co-Founder

Is your bathroom counter starting to overflow with anti-aging creams, serums, and masks? Do you find yourself spending more time trying to cover up dark spots, massage away loose skin, or shelling out hundreds on every so-called ‘solution’ out there?

Those things may be helpful, but they’re only masking or temporarily treating the issue rather than tackling it directly. And the issue is collagen loss. 

They say beauty comes from within, so shouldn’t that mean beauty treatments come from within? As you age and your collagen levels decline – leaving you with sagging, dull skin – rethinking how you treat this can make all the difference. Addressing the issue head-on and restoring your body’s collagen levels with a high-quality collagen supplement can be the best answer.  

Collagen supplements can help reduce loose skin, deep wrinkles, and even your skin tone from dark spots caused by aging. 

If you’re wondering what collagen can do for your skin – look no further. This article will uncover the impact collagen has on your skin health and how you can start turning back the hands of time today.

What Does Collagen Do For Skin

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and is responsible for the overall structure of your skin. In addition to giving your skin a plump and youthful look, collagen helps ligaments stay elastic and flexible by providing a nice cushion in between your joints. 

Collagen provides the structure, stability, and strength to the many dermal layers of your skin. Collagen proteins have a shape similar to a rope – wound tightly together holding water and moisture as well as providing elasticity to your skin. It also helps give your skin a nice even, glowing tone. 

You’re born with a ton of collagen and this is why babies have perfectly smooth and full looking skin. Your body continues to make collagen until you hit your mid-20s and then production starts to slow down. Things other than aging can contribute to a decrease in collagen production including sun damage, smoking, and exposure to free radicals.

Free radicals interfere with collagen production and even breakdown existing collagen which can leave your skin looking dull, sagging, and prone to wrinkles. Free radicals can be from external sources like air pollution and chemical exposure but even things like inflammation and exercise can sometimes cause them. Free radicals cannot be totally avoided and the damage done to collagen and skin integrity can be held responsible for many signs of skin aging. 

Skin Consequences Of Decreased Collagen 

So what does this mean for your skin?

Studies show when collagen production declines, the skin loses thickness, elasticity, and flexibility. 

Without Collagen

With Collagen

Thin skin has a more transparent appearance, making veins, bones and tendons more visible - most commonly on the arms, hands, and face. This means easier bruising, and slower wound healing.

The loss of elasticity that comes with decreased collagen production makes it difficult for the skin to retain moisture, and it can’t “bounce back” like it once did. This causes dry, sagging skin and an increase in wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and neck - which are all major signs your skin is begging for collagen.  

How Collagen Supplements Help Reduce Loose Skin, Deep Wrinkles, And Correct Dark Spots

Thankfully research is showing oral collagen can improve skin health. There are many skin benefits of collagen including:

  • Restoring fullness of skin
  • Reducing loose skin (increasing elasticity)
  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles
  • Reducing the appearance of dark spots
  • Increase hydration of the skin
  • Reducing skin roughness

A study which included women aged 35-55 years old showed women who received hydrolyzed collagen had improvements in skin elasticity and skin moisture after four weeks of use and again after eight weeks of use. This study noted no adverse events either noting the collagen supplement was well tolerated. 

Collagen supplements help reduce dark spots because collagen can act as an antioxidant. Collagen helps your body fight free radicals, and more importantly, helps repair past damage. 

Oral collagen supplements are more effective than topical collagen because collagen fibers are usually too big to penetrate deeply into the skin when applied on top. But when you take hydrolyzed collagen as an oral supplement, your body generates more collagen and elastin from within – bringing the benefits exactly where they need to be. 

Finding The Best Collagen Supplement

Once your body stops naturally producing collagen, you may be wondering how you can obtain collagen elsewhere. Collagen is found in animal and vegetable sources with beef being the most popular. Collagen is typically found in the grisly bits, bone marrow, and ligaments of meat that most people tend to avoid. This makes finding a more palatable (and easy to prepare!) form of collagen ideal.

But there are a few things you want to look for before purchasing a collagen supplement. The three main factors to look for in a collagen supplement are: one that’s Certified Grass-Fed, one made of hydrolyzed collagen, and one that contains Type I and Type III collagen fibers. We’ll discuss a little about each below!

√ Certified Grass-Fed Collagen

When looking for the best collagen, make sure you find one that is from a grass-fed source. Diet can greatly affect the quality of the collagen. It can also affect the absorption, effectiveness, and even safety of the collagen supplement. The best collagen supplements are from Certified Grass-Fed sources that have never been exposed to toxins such as pesticides, hormones, chemicals, or antibiotics. 

√ Hydrolyzed Collagen

You want to make sure your collagen is in a hydrolyzed form. This simply means the collagen has been broken down into the smallest available proteins – making it easier for you to digest and easier for your body to start seeing benefits. 

Hydrolyzed collagen is also much easier to mix! You don’t want to sip your collagen drink and feel grit on your teeth or feel like you have to crunch your collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen dissolves quickly so you never know a difference in your favorite hot or cold beverage. 

Hydrolyzed collagen benefits your skin not only by being a tiny building block for collagen and elastin, but it also stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastic, and hyaluronic acid. Hydrolyzed collagen does this by binding receptors in fibroblasts (a type of connective tissue that provides structure to your skin) to make more collagen and improve skin health. 

Long story short, taking oral hydrolyzed collagen improves skin health by increasing collagen production and inhibiting enzymes that actively break collagen down. 

√ Collagen Type I and III Fibers

Collagen is made of different types of fibers. The nearly 30 types are found in different parts of the body. Type I is the most prevalent and can be found in skin, bones, teeth, ligaments, and other tissues. Type III is also found in the skin, muscles, and blood vessels. Type I and Type III have both been studied and are thought to be the most effective in addressing joint and bone health as well as skin health.

The best collagen supplements use these two highly effective collagen fibers and don’t add any additional filler collagen. You may think more fibers are better, when in fact, if you only use the most effective fibers – your collagen supplement will be better absorbed and have more benefit.

NativePath's Grass-Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplement: The Right Choice For Skin Health

When looking for the best collagen supplement for skin health, NativePath covers all the vital features. NativePath is made from Certified Grass Fed beef sources, making it safe and extremely effective. 

NativePath collagen is also hydrolyzed so you can be confident your collagen supplement will be well absorbed and easy to mix. 

NativePath only uses the most effective collagen fibers – Type I and III. This means the best fibers for your skin are in every scoop. 


Grass-Fed Hydrolyzed

Collagen Supplement:

The Right Choice For Skin Health

By using grass-fed, hydrolyzed collagen with the most effective collagen fibers – NativePath is the best collagen supplement for wrinkles and sagging skin. Click below to get your NativePath Collagen supplement and start improving your skin health today. 

As Low As $21 + FREE Shipping

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Here's What Thousands Of Others Are Saying About Collagen

Based on 7,010 reviews

"I feel like a whole new person"

Pollyanna Torres on 2/2/2023

I am a 61-year-old mother of four with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. In 3.5 weeks of just taking the collagen peptides I felt like a whole new person. Less joint pain, more energy, better sleep, brighter skin, shiner hair, better mood.

"I will never stop taking this"

Cathy Phillips on 1/22/2023 

I'm 74 years old. I’ve been using collagen for 2 months. I started mostly to help with osteoporosis. About 6 weeks in, I started getting compliments on my looks. My skin just seemed to look healthier. Last week my doctor even mentioned that my hair looked so good. I love the product and will continue to use it.

"Life changing results in one month"

Michele Gash on 10/20/2022

I'm going to be 74 in December and my skin has responded very quickly. Yes my hair is thicker as well I'm loving it.

My facials didn't work anymore and the collagen loss had become rapid after my surgery. I got on the internet and found Dr Chad's collagen and ordered 6 month supply immediately. It’s the best price and with the best money back guarantee. I started on September 18th and it only took one month for my hair to be thick, my skin to be firmer, the wrinkles are now smooth and I look five years younger.

I want to remain on this product because I would like to see what the maximum benefits will be.

People ask me what is your secret and I'm going to tell them it’s Dr. Chad's NativePath Collagen.

"I keep a year's worth of Collagen stockpiled"

Cammie Beierle on 08/15/2022

I faithfully take this everyday. I'd had a fatty tumor on my wrist for several years. The dermatologist said she could express it but it would come back. After 2 months of taking this Collagen, it is gone. Has been gone for almost a year.

The skin on my arms had gotten so thin, I was constantly bruising or scraping myself. I do not have that problem now. The skin is thicker and stronger.

I have about a year's worth of Collagen stockpiled, but I will definitely order more in about 6 months. Great product I don't want to be without!!

"Skin, nails and joints are better in just a few weeks"

Lynn Anne on 08/2/2022

Came across a NativePath Collagen article with symptoms I recognized that I had and decided to try it. Within a week several of my symptoms with my skin and nails were changing for the better. A couple more weeks my joints felt better.



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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

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