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Evaluate, Monitor, and Iterate your LLM Apps and Predictive AI Models

LLM Observability

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Evaluate your LLM apps

Optimize your choice of LLM apps using feedback function and app tracking.

Minimize hallucinations
Minimize hallucinations

Leverage RAG triad and other out of the box feedback functions to evaluate for relevance and groundedness, reduce hallucination and build trust.

Monitor production LLM apps at scale

Track production performance across millions of traces. Build responsive dashboards and set actionable alerts.

Predictive AI Observability

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Scalable monitoring

Comprehensive monitoring, reporting and alerting of model performance, outputs and inputs.

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Fast, accurate debugging

Debug model drift, overfitting, bias, high error segments with unique AI root cause analysis.

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Responsible AI and AI Explainability

Operationalize your RAI goals without sacrificing performance or efficiency.

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Want to see what LLM Observability is like for no risk?

Try out TruLens, the open source library for LLM app testing and tracking.

“Our development cycle went from 2 weeks to less than a day using TruLens.”

– Data Scientist, S&P 500 Data Networking Company

“I tried to build [my app] before, but it didn’t succeed, mostly because I had to manually assess its answers. But I tried again using TruLens and LLamaIndex and succeeded.”

– ML Engineer, $40bn+ FinTech Company

“What I’ve liked most is the ability to develop our own custom function, which has been very useful. Indeed, when you’ve a working model, you need tools to evaluate it and ensure continuous improvement. That’s exactly what TruLens does.”

– ML Engineer, Fortune 500 Tech Company

TruEra Full Lifecycle AI Observability

LLM Observability

LLM app testing and tracking

truera llms observability

Now, you can also test, track, and monitor your LLM apps within TruEra! Using feedback functions, you can drive app performance while minimizing risks like toxicity, hallucinations, and bias.

truera llms observability
TruEra llm monitoring 2024

Continuous LLM app monitoring with actionable alerts

TruEra llm monitoring 2024

Safeguard the quality of your LLM-powered applications. Get real-time alerts when problematic outputs are generated, ensuring a seamless end user experience. Leverage TruEra’s built-in evaluation features to pinpoint the root cause of the issue, iterate on your LLM application, and deploy updates with confidence

Predictive AI Observability

Continuous ML Monitoring with relevant alerting

mobile truera monitoring 2023

Easily supervise, manage, and troubleshoot models in production. Data scientists can hone in on the real problems causing model drift, based on explainability accuracy that’s unparalleled and unique analyses that are not available anywhere else. Avoid false alarms and dead ends, so that you can solve critical problems quickly and effectively. Your machine learning models stay optimized, so that your business is optimized.

truera monitoring 2023
TruEra debugging 2023

Fast debugging with root cause analysis

TruEra debugging 2023

TruEra’s enterprise-class debugging is without peer. The core diagnostic engine is based on over eight years of research at Carnegie Mellon University and TruEra. It dramatically outperforms the competition in correctly identifying the root cause of model performance issues.

Predictive AI Observability

Diagnostics and automated testing

mobile truera diagnostics 2023

TruEra Diagnostics gets models into production faster by providing comprehensive model evaluation and testing that drive quality and transparency, fast. Its best-in-class explainability, robust set of analytics, and systematic testing allow users to debug precisely and develop top-performing models that drive business value and confidence.

truera diagnostics 2023

Easy integration with your AI stack

Predictive AI Ecosystem

truera trulens llm ecosystem
truera predictive ai ecosystem

Easy integration with your AI stack

TruEra embeds easily within your existing infrastructure and workflow, for both predictive AI models and LLM apps.

  • Deploy SaaS or in your cloud, including private cloud, AWS, Google, or Azure
  • Works easily with major closed and open GenAI models, orchestration apps, and more.
  • Work across predictive model development solutions, such as AWS Sagemaker, Microsoft Azure,, Dataiku, DataRobot, or, and model serving solutions
  • Scale to meet high model volumes
  • Export data via APIs to Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau and Looker

Enterprise-Class Scalability and Security: SOC2 Type II Certified

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The TruEra platform is enterprise-scale optimized for speed, reliability, and scalability for cloud multi-tenant workloads. TruEra’s security and governance capabilities are foundational to the solution, including RBAC controls and end-to-end data encryption in transit and at rest.

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“I think you have built a great product that fills a massive gap in real-world ML lifecycles.”

Angela Chapman, AI and ML Strategist; former Director of ML at a Fortune 100 Healthcare Company

Free course on DeepLearning.AI
Building and Evaluating Advanced RAG Apps

TruEra drives performance across the full AI lifecycle.

For LLM and Predictive Observability

TruEra Feedback for Debugging Dark
TruEra Feedback for Debugging mobile Dark
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Monetary Authority of Singapore
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“We see TruEra as an essential partner… in how we build and operationalize higher quality, trusted AI models faster and more efficiently.”

– Vishu Ramachandran, Group Head, Retail Banking
Standard Chartered

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“We work with a large number of high volume models, so having automated testing to ensure model quality across all of our models with TruEra Diagnostics is of critical importance to us.”

– Blake Silberberg, VP of Media Analytics


TruEra helps organizations in every industry build and maintain high quality ML models.
  • Banking

    Transform lending, fraud detection, and banking operations.

  • Government

    Take action with confidence, fast.

  • HR

    More easily comply with emerging regulations.

  • Insurance

    Easily assess risk, detect fraud, and optimize decisions.

  • Manufacturing

    Improve operational effectiveness: predictive maintenance, demand forecasting, and factory automation.


Find out what you can do with TruEra

Are you ready for better AI Observability? Get started now for free, or talk with one of our experts.