• Because yourcustomer'sfeedbackmatters.

    Transform how you build products and experiences with UserTesting

  • Join us at THiS 2024

    Join us in Austin for The Human Insight Summit (THiS), UserTesting’s annual customer conference October 28-30, 2024.

Powering over 3,000 of the world’s top brands

How it works

Remove the guesswork and create better experiences

We love our customers

We love our customers

We love our customers

Trusted by leading brands




  • To help our customers launch the most compelling digital experiences, we partner with UserTesting to bring human insight into our design process, empowering us with a higher degree of confidence.
    Jaime Vasquez Principal Experience Architect & Digital Strategist, Adobe Consulting
  • Our CEO, Satya Nadella, tells us often that the source of innovation comes from having a deep sense of empathy. And it's true, empathy makes us better innovators. Today, Microsoft is stronger than ever. UserTesting helps our entire company get feedback from our customers at every single point in the journey.
    Tom Lorusso Xbox Principal User Research Manager, Microsoft
  • In the race for high quality human insights, nobody beats UserTesting. We recruit target users and complete our tests in hours, not weeks. It's our insight engine -- the power unit behind our momentum -- and a key reason why our remote design sprints are seen as so successful by our business leaders.
    Sam Howard Senior UX Researcher, DAZN

Solutions for all teams

  • Teaser image for digital product teams

    For Digital product teams

    Validate concepts, get customer feedback, and discover needs to help improve digital experiences.

  • teaser image for solutions teams UX Teams

    For UX research teams

    Conduct generative, formative, and evaluative research, or get quick insights from real users. Drive alignment across teams with human insight, backed by a proven framework for continuous testing and a shared understanding of customer needs.

  • teaser image for solutions teams product design

    For Product and Design teams

    Collect feedback on any experience, analyze results, and share findings while saving time and reducing the cost of rework.

  • teaser image for page solutions teams marketing

    For Marketing teams

    Drive growth, optimize digital experiences, and more effectively manage brand reputation with critical insights from real customers. Get on-demand feedback on all your marketing campaigns and assets.

  • teaser image for solutions team executives

    For Executives

    Steward a more customer-centric organization with insights from your customers. Drive business growth, increase product adoption, and grow customer loyalty with a proven framework for scaling human insights and customer empathy throughout the organization.

  • teaser image for solutions startups

    For Startups

    Capture rich, video-based feedback to make decisions with confidence, ensure product-market fit, and accelerate innovation and growth.

  • teaser image for solutions small business page

    For Small Businesses

    Drive growth and innovation through fast, remote customer feedback that anyone on the team can access to create customer-centric products and experiences.

  • teaser image for solutions customers mid-market

    For Mid-Market

    Quickly capture rich, video-based feedback to increase speed-to-market, adapt to changing customer needs, and grow into world-class brands.

  • Teaser image for solutions company size enterprise

    For Enterprise

    Quickly capture rich, video-based feedback from customers, prospects, employees, and more to innovate and build exceptional brand experiences.

  • Automotive


    Get customers where they need to go with exceptional automotive experiences

  • teaser image for solutions team executives

    Consumer Technology

    Keep up with the rising demand for exceptional technology experiences

  • teaser image for solutions teams UX Teams


    Create frictionless online shopping experiences by optimizing your ecommerce experiences and boosting conversions with human insight

  • teaser images for resource topic omnichannel banking

    Financial Services

    Innovate and optimize experiences to drive trust and customer loyalty

  • teaser image for gaming and gambling

    For Gaming & Gambling

    Up the ante with winning gaming and gambling experiences

  • teaser image for solutions healthcare

    For Healthcare

    Understand and empathize with patients to improve healthcare experiences and drive loyalty

  • teaser image for media and entertainment

    For Media and Entertainment

    UserTesting platform gives media & entertainment companies insights to improve CX. Usability testing helps improve your user's journey and experience. Learn more

  • teaser image for travel hospitality

    For Travel and Hospitality

    Exceed traveler expectations for health, safety, and personalized, memorable experiences

  • Homepage highlight masonry grid tile for AI


    Uncover powerful new insights more efficiently by leveraging AI.

    Uncover powerful new insights more efficiently by leveraging AI.

  • teaser image for integration page

    Integrations and plugins

    See how UserTesting helps you do more with your existing tools and solutions to further optimize your customer experience.

  • teaser image for solutions mobile testing

    Mobile application testing

    Mobile application testing 

Customer empathy for every experience

Whether you're focused on UI, UX, CX, or something else altogether, check out these resources to learn more about keeping your customer at the center of the experiences you create.

UI vs. UX

Understand the differences between UI and UX and how human insight can help with both. 

Learn more

Designing for every experience

No matter how you define UX design, keeping your customer at the center is what experts agree matters most. 

Learn more

Testing CX

Customer-centricity is an ever-evolving goal. Learn why testing a holistic view of your experiences is the best way to ensure great CX.

Learn more


Homepage highlight masonry grid tile for AI

Uncover powerful new insights more efficiently by leveraging AI.

Learn More
Keeping score: Why and how you should benchmark your UX, page tile

Keeping score: Why and how you should benchmark your UX

Learn More
Forrester report guide
Industry report

Planning guide 2024: Customer experience

Learn More
Resource masonry grid tile background for Insights Unlocked podcast

Hear from experts behind some of the world’s most successful digital experiences.

Learn More
April 2024 UserTesting product release assets

Learn how our latest product release helps teams gain richer customer understanding.

Learn More

Real human insight, delivered real fast

Watch real people engage with your products, apps, or services, and easily get a vivid, first-person understanding of any experience.