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Moonriver Network

Moonriver serves as a companion network to Moonbeam, offering a sandbox environment where new code is tested under real economic conditions before being deployed on Moonbeam. An Ethereum-compatible, developer-oriented blockchain built on Kusama.

Experience seamless deployments and a community-led network on a robust parachain, where you can innovate with fewer boundaries and immediate feedback.


    Drive innovation with MOVR

    As the utility token of Moonriver, MOVR is essential for powering the network's core functionalities.

    Smart Contract Execution

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    Smart Contract Execution

    MOVR is used for gas metering, enabling efficient contract execution.

    Network support

    It incentivizes collators, crucial for maintaining Moonriver's decentralized node infrastructure.

    Governance Participation

    MOVR holders can propose referenda, vote, and elect council members, playing a key role in on-
chain governance.

    Transfer fees

    Essential for processing transactions across the network.


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    For detailed information on MOVR's distribution and economic model.

    Developer resource

    Experience the seamless transition of your Ethereum projects to Moonriver, a blockchain that fully supports Ethereum tools and standards with the added benefits of the Kusama network's innovation and scalability.

    Complete Ethereum Compatibility

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    Complete Ethereum Compatibility

    Utilize standard Ethereum tools like MetaMask, Hardhat, and Remix to deploy your DApps on Moonriver with minimal changes.

    Unified User Experience

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    Unified User Experience

    Maintain your Ethereum-like accounts, addresses, and signatures without any adjustments.

    Develop with Ease

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    Develop with Ease

    Write and deploy smart contracts using familiar languages like Solidity, directly on Moonriver.

    Deploy Quickly and Efficiently

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    Deploy Quickly and Efficiently

    Launch your existing or new Solidity DApps on Moonriver and access the vibrant ecosystem of Kusama, enhancing your project's reach and potential.

    Grants & Funding

    Accelerate Your Project with Moonriver Grants
    Moonriver offers grants to developers and teams dedicated to creating impactful projects on its network. These grants are aimed at fostering innovation, facilitating the development of DApps, and enhancing the Moonriver ecosystem.

    Type of grants

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    Type of grants

    Community Committee Grants

    Designed for early-stage projects needing seed funding and guidance

    Ecosystem Grants

    Aimed at more developed projects looking to expand their impact.


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    Explore more about grants and how to apply to bring your innovative ideas to fruition on Moonriver.

    Defi Projects

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    Defi Projects

    Moonriver provides a dynamic environment where DeFi projects can thrive. Leverage the network's full Ethereum compatibility to deploy and manage your DeFi applications, connecting with Kusama’s vibrant community and assets effortlessly.

    Take your DeFi experience to the next level by exploring the cutting-edge applications built on Moonriver.


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    Innovative DeFi Landscape

    Engage with a variety of DeFi apps from AMMs to lending platforms, all optimized for the Kusama ecosystem.

    Fast Integration

    Bring your Ethereum-based projects to a multi-chain audience with minimal modifications.

    Community-Centric Development

    Benefit from the fast-paced updates and community-driven innovations that characterize Kusama and Moonriver.

    Discover the Moonriver
    Defi ecosystem

    Discover the vibrant world of NFTs on Moonriver

    Explore a diverse landscape of NFTs on Moonriver, where artists and developers utilize the network's Ethereum compatibility and Kusama's innovation-driven environment to create and trade digital assets seamlessly.

    Dive Into the NFT Universe on Moonriver

    Get involved in the NFT community on Moonriver where creativity meets blockchain technology.

    Potentials of NFTs on Moonriver

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    Potentials of NFTs on Moonriver

    Broad Range of NFTs

    From digital art and collectibles to in-game items and more, Moonriver hosts a dynamic array of NFT projects.

    Easy Multi-Chain Accessibility

    Transfer NFTs effortlessly between Moonriver and Ethereum, expanding your reach and opportunities

    Engage with Marketplaces

    Access multiple NFT marketplaces that make buying, selling, and showcasing digital assets simple and efficient.